
My sweet little cat has just been killed in the worst possible way. - grief death violence

Post 285130 by Jubey deleted for the following reason: I'm so sorry this has happened. If you just need to talk, MeFi Chat is a better option, or mail me. Also check your MefiMail. -- LobsterMitten

So what's going to happen? - Current events

Post 285119 by catspajammies deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is chatfilter. -- restless_nomad


Should we be concerned about cancer? - diagnosis health back

Post 285015 by drd deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- taz

Why does anyone want a fetal liver? - PlannedParenthood

Post 285014 by Chocolate Pickle deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is really a super-easy thing to Google; contact us if you need help -- taz

Who from MeFi contacted me right after Katrina?

Post 284996 by grimcity deleted for the following reason: This is a totally ok question to ask over on MetaTalk - please repost it there! -- restless_nomad

Walk to the Right or Die - pedestriantraffic walkingontheright petpeeves

Post 284988 by oceanview deleted for the following reason: This is a bit more of a rant than a question, sorry. -- restless_nomad


Very pregnant woman. New universal symbol for human being? - default humanbeing lady

Post 284969 by knowgood deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this isn't a question as such. -- restless_nomad


WTF is motivating this behaviour?

Post 284893 by everydayanewday deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is really something no one here can know, and basically more discussion fodder than a concrete problem to be solved (see chatfilter) -- taz


What are some reasons why I shouldn't kill myself? - depression abuse lifeadvice

Post 284782 by gehenna_lion deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry that you've feeling this way, but suicide questions are not allowed on AskMe. Instead, members have assembled the There Is Help listing of hotlines and email addresses that you can reach out to for direct assistance right now. -- LobsterMitten


Apparently, I come off as crazy and mentally retarded. Help? - dealing with difficult

Post 284712 by aristotlefangirl deleted for the following reason: Couple of problems here; a) using "mentally retarded" as a description isn't okay, b) this is extremely similar to your last post, which is still open and already has advice about the general question -- taz

Belief in oneself - Mistakes Self-doubt Confidence

Post 284699 by nidora deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I'm sorry you're still having a hard time, but you've already asked this same question a number of times over the years. -- LobsterMitten


You'd move too, if this happened to you! - family kids familyrelationships

Post 284650 by jrobin276 deleted for the following reason: Heya, if this is basically just an update to the situation from last week, it's probably best just to post an update comment in that thread with the new developments so folks who've already read up on it can pick up from there. -- cortex


Favorite Stories About Teenage Girls Who Are Friends

Post 284470 by sunnyblues48 deleted for the following reason: As framed this is pretty much chatfilter; maybe give it another shot next week with a little more specificity about what you're looking for and why? -- cortex


Please help me find out where the Turtle Woman meme originated! - internet

Post 284437 by newfers deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I know you don't mean badly here, but this seems to be a picture of a woman who I'm guessing from the photo maybe has a disability/some developmental issues? And if that's the case it's extra unkind, on top of its already being at least iffy to go all internet detective squad on her. Hit us up at the contact form if you'd like to talk it over. -- LobsterMitten


Is Chicago under attack? - airplane frenzy

Post 284402 by shipbreaker deleted for the following reason: We've been pretty patient with you, but this is one too many weird Ask Metafilter stunts. -- cortex


All about that fish

Post 284248 by aristotlefangirl deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry you're in a bad place. This question isn't going to work out - I'm sending you an email. -- restless_nomad


Why did this guy stopped communicating with me suddenly after 4th date?

Post 284175 by missybitsy deleted for the following reason: Sorry, you asked this same question last week. I'm sorry this is worrying you but this week-to-week relationship update thing is not a workable way to use AskMe over the long term. -- LobsterMitten


Help me learn to accept being the bad guy sometimes - innerstrength boundaries selfinterest

Post 284072 by yasp deleted for the following reason: Please contact us about sock accounts and the 7-day limit -- taz


Online directory for beautiful monograms? - publishing printing art

Post 284064 by cyrusw8 deleted for the following reason: Please contact us regarding the AskMe 7-day limit and the rules about second accounts. -- LobsterMitten

Explain font licensing to me like I am a five year old - apps web fonts

Post 284063 by omar.a deleted for the following reason: Each person gets one AskMe question per week; this is in violation of that limit. -- LobsterMitten


Can you recommend a jewelry store in the St Louis, MO area? - Engagementring StLouis StLouisMO

Post 283959 by possibilityleft deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad

Do you think OJ did it? - crime Simpson

Post 283942 by bengalibelle deleted for the following reason: This is not a good use of Ask Metafilter. -- cortex


Navigating the tricky waters of an ever-changing dating status tide. - confusion ambiguity sex

Post 283836 by eustaciavye87 deleted for the following reason: Heya, quoting at length your private correspondence with an absent third party isn't really a great idea for for Ask Metafilter, and in general this is pushing pretty far into too-long territory; maybe rework this to condense it some and without all the quotation? -- cortex


Known any taciturn commercial fishermen?

Post 283745 by red chip blue chip deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz