
Are my doubts in this relationship valid? Will I ever be happy? - relationships

Post 321693 by anon1129 deleted for the following reason: This sort of “here is everything: help!” post does not work here, sorry. -- restless_nomad


Bug ID - wtf scaryaf

Post 321643 by davidmsc deleted for the following reason: Hey, looks like your link didn't work -- if you can send me a corrected link in the next couple hours I can fix that for you and undelete, or you can post again tomorrow with the proper link if you prefer. -- Eyebrows McGee


Should I stay or should I go? - Dating partners sex

Post 321504 by belliceNH deleted for the following reason: Repeated non-specific questions about the same relationship are not workable here, sorry. -- restless_nomad


Did my ex girlfriend break up with me in a fair manner?

Post 321455 by DPJ deleted for the following reason: There isn't a whole lot here that's really an answerable Ask MeFi question; if you have questions about how to e.g. process and move on from a breakup, that'd be a workable thing to regroup and ask about, but just a list of grievances and "was this fair" isn't really something folks can add more to or help you with beyond speculating about the context they don't have for it all. -- cortex

Where to submit an engineering challenge, for biggest returns? - pinewoodderby notecard notecards

Post 321467 by Quarter Pincher deleted for the following reason: The way this is written, you're almost certainly going to get zero answers to your actual question, and your own reply cements that. Drop us a line at the contact form if you want to talk about ways to fix it. -- restless_nomad


Questions about Montclair NJ? - Newjersey

Post 321448 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: already posted -- taz


What about government funding for political ad campaigns? - politics politicalSpending

Post 321366 by Mr. Papagiorgio deleted for the following reason: Hey, this kind of hypothetical is chatfilter by definition, sorry. -- restless_nomad


Why does investing in a resource justify ownership? - philosophy property sociology

Post 321307 by mrmanvir deleted for the following reason: Sorry for the late delete; it's not clear what answer people could give that makes this anything but chatfilter, basically asking people to spin just-so stories about this not-obvious premise. -- LobsterMitten


Recording & saving calls.

Post 321260 by LOOKING deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz

How do the apartments in project developments work? - writing

Post 321283 by fantasticness deleted for the following reason: This is not going to go the way you want. Come discuss with us at the contact form. -- LobsterMitten


How do I let go of feeling that a 1.5yr relationship was meaningless? - break up regret

Post 320954 by Willow251 deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is continuing to use Ask as a processing space for something repeatedly, something we've already talked to you about needing to not continue doing. -- cortex


What Causes Weak Belief? Only those on spiritual path firmly reply - trust faith soul

Post 320847 by watercarrier deleted for the following reason: This needs to be far more concrete in order to work as a question here. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Am I crazy? - Depression lonely alone

Post 320824 by Deal deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I'm so sorry you're going through all this, but this kind of "here's everything" approach doesn't work on AskMetafilter, which is meant for smaller focused concrete questions. This really sounds like something where in-person and longer-term help is what's needed. The There Is Help page has a listing of crisis hotlines (including for texting or online chat) that may be able to help too. -- LobsterMitten


Would extending fertility also extend youth in Human beings?

Post 320752 by fantasticness deleted for the following reason: Heya, there's an interesting and probably somewhat answerable question lurking in here about what we know about the science of fertility and senescence, but as framed this is kinda all over the place and chatty to the point where it's not really a good fit for Ask. -- cortex