Post 259526 by CollectiveMind deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz
15 seconds with President Obama. What do you say? - potus oval office
Post 259507 by steve.wdc deleted for the following reason: If this is an actual problem to be solved, it needs that context. If not, it's just chatfilter. -- restless_nomad
2:54 PM
What if - High
Post 259447 by lain deleted for the following reason: We are like... chatfilter, man. -- LobsterMitten
9:21 PM
When and for how much did OSU football season tickets sell last year? - seasontickets ohiostate ohiostateuniversity
Post 259428 by crawltopslow deleted for the following reason: Sorry, AskMe can't help you if you're explicitly asking how to do something illegal. -- LobsterMitten
2:33 PM
Can anyone think of some ways Poor people are smarter than Rich people? - vs 1 99
Post 259123 by sunnyblues48 deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten
10:28 AM
What would a giant spider smell like? - arthropod insect odor
Post 259062 by One Second Before Awakening deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is classic chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten
3:50 PM
What if E=2MC2? - science Einstein physics
Post 258947 by StickyCarpet deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz
12:06 AM
What binoculars or telescope should I buy to spy on my girlfriend? - rearwindow
Post 258943 by boots deleted for the following reason: This isn't going to work as written. Hit us up at the contact form if you want to rewrite it. -- restless_nomad
8:04 PM
Tattoos: 417, 340. What do they mean? - prison numbermeanings
Post 258721 by Incoherent Cockroach deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but the combination of personal info here makes this way too identifying of a third party. Contact us soonish if you'd like to edit to fix that. Thanks. -- taz
10:22 PM
Sex positions for disabled woman who can't straddle? - nsfw
Post 258708 by snow_mac deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is just a repeat of a previous question you asked, and that one is still open; AskMe doesn't really allow for asking straight-up the same question over again. -- LobsterMitten
2:50 PM
What are some of the dynamics of the patterning of speech in daily life? - OU literature
Post 258683 by Musashi Daryl deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is sort of unclear and framed more as a discussion prompt than a concrete question. -- cortex
11:04 AM
What is the rest of this website all about? - metafilter
Post 258614 by AppleTurnover deleted for the following reason: Answer #1 is questions about Metafilter go on MetaTalk! You can repost this there, if you like. -- restless_nomad
12:04 AM
Doodling on Holy books: Is it offensive and should we care? - atheism design drawign
Post 258361 by Pointless Diagrams deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, this is chatfilter; AskMetafilter does not allow open-ended discussion questions like this. -- LobsterMitten
11:42 AM
Looking for a career - engineering
Post 258356 by bmlee deleted for the following reason: Hi there - it is okay to ask for advice here, but AskMetafilter is not a place to ask for a job. If you would like to re-write your post, please contact me in the next hour or so. If you just want to tell people you are available to be hired, you can do that in the Jobs section of the site. -- LobsterMitten
9:41 AM
Wise Folly - wisdom decisionmaking decisions
Post 258332 by mild deer deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, but this is pretty much textbook chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten
2:34 PM
too heartbroken to live? - heartrbroken sadness sad
Post 258319 by babybowrain deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm so sorry you're in a bad place right now. This isn't the sort of question Ask Metafilter can help with, but there are some resources on this page and you are completely welcome to contact us mods at the contact form as well if you need to talk. -- cortex
11:48 AM
When people "do not believe in marriage", what do they mean? - wedding pieceofpaper
Post 258148 by ClaireBear deleted for the following reason: This is a bit weird and chatfiltery; seems like you already know lots of reasons why people might feel this way and for some reason are polling the site? -- LobsterMitten
11:09 AM
Help me break free from this on/ off relationship - on-off dumped text
Post 258131 by blokefromipanema deleted for the following reason: I feel for you but with respect this reads more like a processing exercise than a concrete question. Maybe if you're looking for advice on something more specific make it about that? Contact us if you want to discuss this, we'd be happy to hash out a workable question with you. -- goodnewsfortheinsane
5:37 AM
How does Nature 'wake up' in the Spring? - geology
Post 258128 by ebesan deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry but this needs a narrower, more specific question to work for Ask Metafilter. -- goodnewsfortheinsane
3:51 AM
Where to get feedback on a French play? - theater critique france
Post 258022 by ropeladder deleted for the following reason: Hey there, you can't use AskMe to directly solicit for readers. Please check your MefiMail and reply to me in the next hour or so, if you'd like me to do a minor edit and bring the post back. -- LobsterMitten
11:20 AM
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